What the World Needs Now

Written by on April 3, 2010

I am a calm, gentle, level-headed person and I must admit that I am deeply affected by all the ugly things that happen around the world, and in our own country, each and every day. And I think that despair, in a strange (or perhaps not so strange) way was part of the reason I launched Five More Minutes With.

By returning to the past, reliving memories of dearly departed loved ones and happy times we’ve shared with them, we block out (at least for a little while) some of the darkness in real life.

Validation for this theory came from a dear friend and mentor of mine, a talented writer and editor, a visionary and life coach, who lives in that forward-thinking, trend-setting state to the south, California.

When she first looked at FMMW, she said, “What a beautiful idea, and place to encourage individuals to write their thoughts about their departing/departed love one.

“I like the look of the site, too. Welcoming and, with the list of possible persons/cats/etc. to receive the words of love, it’s also inspiring.

“What the world needs now is love, sweet love.”

I couldn’t agree more.

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